Movember: Helping fathers who are living their child's death
During Movember, the Father Friendly Initiative team has published a unique and heartbreaking video on men’s experience of their child’s death. Five fathers share their experience of their child’s death and the tools that have helped them to live through this storm. To view the video:
Members of Fathers Friendly Initiative within the Families took part in the "My Dad Matters - Train the Trainer" workshop offered by Dad Central, June 8-9, 2015, in Toronto.
The workship's objective was, among others, to enable to develop leadership and facilitation skills, give crucial information about issues facing fathers toda, encourage to build and maintain a Father Involvement network and expose resources and other networks that are available. Congrats to the participants!
Pascale de Montigny Gauthier, research coordinator for the Fathers Friendly Initiative within Families, has presented at the next Nordic Conference on research on men and masculinities, June 4th to June 6th in Iceland.
Topics such as fatherhood, men and feminism and parental leave were addressed. In her presentation Conceiving a child: Mens' perceptions of predisposing conditions, Ms. de Montigny Gauthier illustrated that men's decision to have children is a planned one, it includes many steps and doesn't depend on their partners decision.

A Father is for Life
A newsletter that aims to make parents more aware of the importance of fathers in the family. This publication is produced and published by the Father Friendly Initiative within Families (FFIF), under the direction of Francine de Montigny.
Impact : Intervention - Health care dans social services providers - Parents in action
Vol. 5, No 2 - June 2015 : Fathers Friendly Initiative within the Families